Environment Variables in NodeJS – All Info
Inside your NodeJS app you’ll have an environment variable (which is inside the root of your app folder as an .env file). This file stores critical info like the connection string which includes username and password to connect to your database such as MongoDB. It can also include other security info like JWT token numbers.…
NodeJS – MongoDB Sign Up and Login Web App Project
This is a basic full stack website wherein I’ll create a basic webpage in which users can sign up using an email and password, store the email and password in MongoDB database, login in to the user account dashboard using the same credentials and logout. This way you can learn the foundations to create a…
Creating server and Dynamic Routing in Express for starters
Here’s the code syntax for dynamic routing and server creation in express JS : Here’re the steps involved:
Dynamic Routing – Handling User Request in Vanilla NodeJS
Here’s a simple example of how you can dynamically route a server in pure vanilla NodeJS without any packages : Steps :
Don’t complicate VS Code- Use just these extensions as a web dev.
If you’re a web developer, or aspiring to be, just use these few extensions. Don’t confuse yourself by downloading dozens of unnecessary extensions. These are the only ones you need : ESLint The key feature of the ESLint VS Code extension is that it provides real-time feedback on your code by underlining issues directly in…
node-sass package has been depricated – try using sass
If you’ve been using SASS, you need to know that you should not use npm node-sass package from now on. It might still work if you use it, but there might be errors, problems and vulnerabilities if you’re using it now. The alternative for now should be the sass package instead. I’ve already created a…
How to install and get started with SASS in CSS project
First of all open up your front-end project folder and create the basic files inside it like index.html and style.css files. Assuming that you’ve setup the package.json file already, next, open up the terminal and type in the following command to install SASS as a developer dependency : In the next step, it’ll be good…
Stateless API vs Stateful API : Meaning and Usages
Stateless APIs In case of stateless APIs, each request from a client to the server must contain all the information needed to understand and process the request. The server does not store any session information about the client. Here, each request is independent and the server does not retain any info about previous requests. For…
Important NPM packages you’ll need to build complex backends with NodeJS
Whether you’re learning backend development (with nodeJS) or trying to build complex back-end while using NodeJS, keep a note of the following NPM packages. You might need all or many of them in you backend development journey. Here they are: Express JS Express is a powerful and flexible web framework for NodeJS. It’s designed to…