My Development Notes

Programming Made Easier


How to create and run your very first simple HTTP server in NodeJS?

The first thing to do is to create a JS file inside your code editor. Next we write the following codes :

const http = require('http');

In the above code we’ve imported the HTTP Module which is required for creating the server.

In the following steps, let’s write some more codes :

const server = http.createServer((req, res) => {
  res.end('Replying from the server!');

server.listen(7500, '', () => {
  console.log('This server is live!');

In the above code block we’ve used the http.createServer() method to create a server on your computer which displays a message when we run the server.listen() method. Again, inside the server.listen() method the first parameter is the PORT (which is 7500 in this case), the second parameter is hostname ( and the third parameter is of course a callback function.

Note: req and res means request and response.

Now, in order to run the server you’ll need to run the following code inside the terminal:

node index.js

Next, open a web browser and type for the server to start running, displaying the message ‘Replying from the server!’ in our case.

There are many other ways to create a simple server using HTTP module. Here’s another way to do it :

// Import the http module
const http = require('http');

// Define the port number
const PORT = 7500;

// Create a server instance
const server = http.createServer((req, res) => {
  // Set the response header
  res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});

  // Send the response body
  res.end('Replying from the server!');

// Start the server and listen on the defined port
server.listen(PORT, () => {
  console.log('This server is live!');

// the server will still run on the same port and hostname

This is the barebone structure to create a very basic HTTP Server inside your local computer using NodeJS.





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