My Development Notes

Programming Made Easier

How to remove red wavy underline from text using HTML?

You might have seen wavy red underline under an editable text field or an input field when you misspell any word. By default, the red underline displays under your text every time you mistype anything.

You need to use the HTML spellcheck attribute and set it to false in order to remove the underline. Here’s how :

<input type="text" spellcheck="false" />

By default in most browsers the spellcheck is set to true. You can set it to false manually inside the input field or any other editable field using the above code. Doing this ignores spelling or typo errors and does not show the annoying red wavy underline beneath text when you type something.

So, if spellcheck is set to true the browser supports spell-checking to highlight the error and if spellcheck is set to false the browser ignores spell-checking.





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