How to run JavaScript codes inside VS Code
You can run JavaScript codes inside the Visual Studio Code’s in-built terminal. This saves time since you don’t have to open up an external browser every time to test-run your codes. Here are the steps involved : Step 1 You have to first check whether NodeJS is installed on your system. To check, just type…
How to Work with Strings in JavaScript
Basics The various string methods in JavaScript are given here with examples : To change the case of a string : How to replace parts of Strings Here’re some examples to do so: We can also use replaceAll method to replace more than one occurrences in a string : Regular expressions can also be used…
Maps in JavaScript : Fundamentals with Practicals
The Map is a data structure that maps values to keys. Data is stored inside a key value pair in Map. However, Maps and Objects are different. In objects, keys are generally strings(or symbols) but in Maps there can be any type of keys (objects, strings, arrays or even other maps). To create a new…
Sets in JavaScript – Basics and Used Cases
Sets are a collection of unique values which never stores any duplicates. They are used to iterate through and detect multiple occurrence of the same element inside any variable, array, strings or object. The new Set() method creates a new set. To return the number of elements inside a set use size property : To…
Array and Object Destructuring using JavaScript
In destructuring, we break down the data inside a complex array or object into simpler fragments. Here, we extract data from an array or object and then store them in a variable defined by us. Sometimes it’s also called ‘unpacking’. Array Destructuring Here are some examples to illustrate the same : Now, here’s a rather…
All HTML & CSS hacks to make a Website Responsive
Using Percentages If you’re traditionally using pixels, your boxes or images will have a fixed size. For example, if you have a really large image embedded on you site, it might look good on a big screen, but, if you see the same image on a smartphone, the image falls off the screen. It looks…
How to fix background image displaying as repeating tiles using CSS
Sometimes when you set a background image on your web page, it displays as repeating tiles on the page. So, the problem looks like this : As you can see, the tiles may be vertical, or horizontal or both. It looks very bad when it comes to web designing. To fix this problem, the best…
Basics of JavaScript Modules using Import and Export keywords
A Brief Explanation Modules are actually certain independent pieces of code syntax which can be used and reused in certain other places, when required. The reason we use modules is because they help to segregate code segments into different files, folders or pages. You don’t really need to write one single long page of JavaScript…
How to Setup a React Project Development Environment for the First Time
Before setting up a React App or project, first you’ll need to see whether NodeJS is installed on your system. NodeJS is required to be installed for having Production-Ready apps so that you don’t run into any trouble from here on. So, in order to see whether Node is installed on our system, type this…
Git and GitHub : Installation and Setup in Linux Environment
Brief Introduction Git is an open-source version control system which is very popular in the community. GitHub on the other end is like the online version of Git. Now they both are similar, just that Git is more ‘command-line type’ and installs locally on your PC, and GitHub has a GUI or Graphic User Interface…