My Development Notes

Programming Made Easier

  • Factorial of a given number in JavaScript

    Factorial of a given number in JavaScript

    Factorial of an integer ‘n’ is represented by ‘n!’. Factorial of an integer n is the product of all positive integers less than or equal to n. Examples : Here’s a way to find the factorial of a given number: Here the variable factInt is initialized at 1 since the function will always be greater…

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  • Square of every digit of a given number – JavaScript

    Square of every digit of a given number – JavaScript

    Example 1 In order to square every digit of a number in JavaScript, we can use the following function: Explanation and break-down In order to know what is happening within this function we have to break it down. So, in the first step we split the digits of the number to a string of individual…

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  • Linux Terminal Commands For Absolute Beginners

    This document is extremely important to at least get started with Linux terminal commands . To open the Linux Terminal, press Ctrl+Alt+T. Here are the most important ones to start with : Examples of cd in action: Just type ‘cd’ or ‘cd ~’ to return back to the home directory if you are inside some…

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  • Key-Value Pairs in JavaScript Objects

    Key-Value Pairs in JavaScript Objects

    JavaScript objects have keys (or properties), and values. Let’s take a look at this JS object example with some keys and values, keys are on the left, values on the right : Now let’s add some additional key value pairs to the object. Here’s one way to do that: So, if you add the above…

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  • Reversing a string in JavaScript – Explanation

    Reversing a string in JavaScript – Explanation

    Say you want to reverse a string passed in a JavaScript functionality as below: There are various ways to reverse the string passed above. Let’s look at them and break them down for you to understand. So the first and the most popular method used to achieve the reverse string functionality is using the split-reverse-join…

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  • The Spread Operator (…) or the three dots in JavaScript

    The Spread Operator (…) or the three dots in JavaScript

    The Spread Operator in JavaScript simply copies all the elements of an array and outputs them to the console. It is represented by … i.e., the three dots. Let’s understand it better using the simple code below: The spread Operator has been around since JavaScript ES6. It helps in extracting properties from old objects or…

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  • JavaScript Array splice() vs slice() methods

    JavaScript Array splice() vs slice() methods

    The splice() method is used to add or remove multiple elements in an array. It can add in or remove any number of consecutive elements from anywhere inside the array. It also overwrites the original array. It can take up to three parameters, the third one basically comprising of elements to add to an array.…

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